User File #40227492333481211

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#40227492333481211 - Wizards & Warriors III Thief Boss Hitbox Display

Uploaded 7/8/2017 3:20 PM by Dacicus (see all 26)
Displays the hitbox and status value from RAM for thief trial bosses. May work for other enemies. The important box for causing the boss to lunge backwards is the one for its weapon. The following criteria all must be met for the thief 2 and 3 bosses to make them lunge backwards:
  • Status must be 0x97
  • Kuros_left < Enemy_right
  • Kuros_right >= Enemy_left
  • Kuros_top < Enemy_bottom
  • Kuros_bottom >= Enemy_top
Kuros_left and so forth refer to the edges of the hitbox for Kuros's weapon. Enemy_right and so forth refer to the edges of the hitbox for the boss's weapon. Values increase from left to right and from top to bottom across the screen.
Displays the hitbox and status value from RAM for thief trial bosses.  May work for other enemies.  The important box for causing the boss to lunge backwards is the one for its weapon.  The following criteria all must be met for the thief 2 and 3 bosses to make them lunge backwards:

1. Status must be 0x97.
2. Kuros_left < Enemy_right
3. Kuros_right >= Enemy_left
4. Kuros_top < Enemy_bottom
5. Kuros_bottom >= Enemy_top

Kuros_left and so forth refer to the edges of the hitbox for Kuros's weapon.  Enemy_right and so forth refer to the edges of the hitbox for the boss's weapon.  Values increase from left to right and from top to bottom across the screen.

local status_offset, status_hitbox_x, status_hitbox_y
local camera_x, camera_y
local x_pos, x_low, x_high, y_pos, y_low, y_high

while true do
  camera_x = memory.read_u16_le(0x0079)
  camera_y = memory.read_u16_le(0x007B)

  for i = 15, 23 do
    if (memory.read_u8(0x03D8 + i) ~= 0) and ( + i), 0x04) == 0) then
      status_offset = memory.read_u8(0x0440 + i)
      if (status_offset ~= 0xFF) then
        x_low = memory.read_u8(0x02EE + i)
        x_high = memory.read_u8(0x0308 + i)
        x_pos = x_high * 0x0100 + x_low - camera_x

        y_low = memory.read_u8(0x033C + i)
        y_high = memory.read_u8(0x0356 + i)
        y_pos = y_high * 0x0100 + y_low - camera_y

        status_hitbox_x = memory.read_u8(0x92E1 + status_offset, "PRG ROM")
        status_hitbox_y = memory.read_u8(0xA69D + status_offset, "PRG ROM")
        gui.drawBox(x_pos - status_hitbox_x, y_pos - status_hitbox_y, x_pos + status_hitbox_x, y_pos + status_hitbox_y)
        gui.drawText(x_pos - status_hitbox_x, y_pos - status_hitbox_y, bizstring.hex(status_offset))
